Suggestion 1

Suggestion 2

Suggestion 1: Notification and consultation with all Parties



Require States to notify all Parties, through mechanisms set up by the Convention, of proposed activities within their jurisdiction or control that meet the specified threshold. (See: Threshold for EIAs/SEAs)


Other Parties may respond within a specified time indicating whether they intend to participate in the EIA/SEA procedure. The comments of these Parties must be taken into account.




Espoo Convention Art 3

UNCLOS Art 205 (publication of reports)

Kiev Protocol Art 10


Suggestion 2: Special weight to adjacent/affected Parties



Require States to notify all Parties of proposed activities, but give special weight to Parties adjacent to the areas to be affected, or likely to be affected by the proposed activities. Such Parties could be allowed a greater role in participating in the EIA/SEA procedure, or more say in final decision-making.




Espoo Convention Art 3

UNCLOS Art 205 (publication of reports)

Kiev Protocol Art 10