Suggestion 1
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 1: System of observation and inspection
Provide for establishment of a system of observation and inspection in order to promote the objective and ensure observance of the provisions of the agreement.
States co-operate with each other to ensure the effective implementation of the system of observation and inspection, taking account of the existing international practice and schemes in place.
This system could include:
RFMOs inspection and enforcement scheme (CCAMLR, FFA, IBSFC, ICCAT, IOTC, NAFO, NEAFC, NPAFC)
Suggestion 2: Right for the Parties to designate observers
Provide that each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate observers to carry out any inspection in accordance with conditions defined in the agreement.
Antarctic Treaty Art VII
Madrid Protocol Art 14 (inspection)
Antarctic Treaty Res. 5 (1995) (Antarctic Inspection Checklists)