Marine Genetic Resources, including Access and Benefit Sharing
Suggestion 1
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 3
Suggestion 1: Comprehensive set of benefit sharing provisions for a multilateral system
Develop a comprehensive multilateral benefit-sharing system introducing obligations to:
Plant Treaty Arts 10-13 (multilateral benefit sharing system)
Report of the PharmaSea WP6 Stakeholder Workshop (multilateral benefit-sharing regime)
Suggestion 2: Base system on public domain approach
In developing Suggestion 1, adopt a public domain approach.
The overall principle of a public domain approach would be based on obligations for international cooperation and sharing of knowledge and data, and UNCLOS Art 241 which states that MSR shall not constitute the legal basis for any claim to marine resources.
This would translate into obligations to:
Further policies, standards and guidelines would need to be subsequently adopted by appropriate international process.
UNCLOS Arts 242, 244 (international cooperation; publication; knowledge transfer)
UNCLOS Arts 143, 144 (MSR and Tech Transfer)
UNCLOS Art 241 (MSR not basis for claim to marine resources)
UNGA Res. 2749, Declaration of Principles Governing the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor, and the Subsoil Thereof, beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction
Micro B3 Agreement on Access to Marine Microorganisms and Benefit-Sharing (public domain approach)
Evanson C.K. and Winter G. “Common pools of Genetic Resources – Equity and Innovation in International Biodiversity Law” (Earthscan, 2013).
Suggestion 3: Basic benefit sharing provision – like CBD
Develop a basic benefit-sharing provision (as done under CBD):
Comprising general principles and obligations aiming at
CBD Art 15 (general obligations for ABS)