Area-based Management Tools,
including Marine Protected Areas
Suggestion 1
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 3
Suggestion 4
Suggestion 5
Suggestion 6
Suggestion 1: Proposal for establishment of a new MPA for review by decision-making body
Provide for proposal of new MPAs for review by decision-making body, which may decide to adopt, modify or reject proposals or request further information.
Suggestion 2: Entities entitled to submit proposals
Entities entitled to submit an MPA proposal may include:
Madrid Protocol Annex V Art 5 (procedure for submitting proposal by any Party, the Environment Committee, the Scientific Committee, or CCAMLR)
Suggestion 3: Review by decision-making body
Proposals would be reviewed by the decision-making body, possibly in conjunction with a subsidiary body. The decision-making body may decide to adopt, modify or reject proposals, or request further information.
Decisions may be made by a specified majority or consensus.
Special weight may be given to the voice of Parties in the region or particularly affected.
SPA/BD Protocol to the Barcelona Convention
Madrid Protocol Annex V Art 6 on Designation Procedures
CCAMLR Conservation Measure 91-04 Para 3 (establishment of CCAMLR MPAs)
Suggestion 4: Selection criteria and objectives
The selection of MPA sites should be based on specified or referenced criteria and should fulfil specified objectives.
See ABMT Criteria and Guidelines; Objectives for MPAs.
Suggestion 5: Inscription on list of MPAs
MPAs adopted or endorsed pursuant to this agreement would be added to a list of internationally recognized MPAs.
Suggestion 6: Interim measures
Provide that in any area under review, States Parties shall refrain from authorizing or permitting activities with the potential to impact marine biodiversity and its components, and in doing so, shall take into account the precautionary approach.
SPRFMO Art 22 (new or exploratory fisheries).
Institutional and Organizational Aspects