Suggestion 1

Suggestion 2

Suggestion 1: Decision-making body to develop specific criteria and guidelines



Provide for the decision-making body to develop specific obligations, including scientific criteria and guidelines for the selection of marine protected areas and other areas where special measures need to be taken to conserve marine biological diversity.


See: Institutional Aspects




UNCLOS Art 201, scientific criteria for regulations

UNFSA Art 5 (general principles)

Suggestion 2: Refer to internationally recognized criteria



Refer to internationally recognized criteria for area-based conservation measures, such as:


  • CBD criteria for ecological or biological significant areas (EBSAs);
  • FAO criteria for vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs);
  • Criteria established by Regional Seas Conventions such as OSPAR, Barcelona Convention, CCAMLR;
  • IMO Criteria for Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs);
  • International lists of species in need of enhanced protection, such as those adopted by CMS, CITES and other relevant international organizations.




CBD COP Decision IX/20 Annex I (scientific criteria for EBSAs)

CBD criteria (EBSAs)

OSPAR guidance documents

FAO VME criteria

IMO Resolution A.982(24) (PSSAs)

Institutional and Organizational Aspects