Suggestion: Obligations to take actions related to area-based conservation
List obligations for area-based conservation based on CBD Art 8. These could include obligations to:
- Establish a system of ecologically representative and well-connected marine protected areas and adopt other area-based management measures where special measures need to be taken to conserve marine biological diversity in ABNJ;
- Apply internationally agreed scientific criteria and guidelines for the selection of marine protected areas or areas where special measures need to be taken to conserve biological diversity;
- Regulate or manage marine activities or resources important for the conservation of marine biological diversity in ABNJ whether within or outside MPAs with a view to ensuring conservation and sustainable use;
- Promote the protection of ecosystems, natural habitats and maintenance of viable populations of species in natural surroundings;
- Integrate conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity into decision-making;
- Adopt measures to avoid or minimize adverse impacts on marine biological diversity in ABNJ.
See: Obligation to cooperate to establish MPAs; Marine Spatial Planning.
CBD Art 8 (In-situ conservation)
CBD Art 10 (sustainable use of components of marine biodiversity)
CBD COP 10, Decision X/2 (Aichi Target 11)
UNFSA Art 10 (c) (in fulfilling obligation to cooperate, States shall adopt and apply any generally recommended international minimum standards)