Area-based Management Tools,
including Marine Protected Areas
Suggestion 1
Suggestion 2
Suggestion 3
Suggestion 1: Adapt CBD definition
A geographically defined area located in the water column and/or seabed which is designated, regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives.
Suggestion 2: Explicit nature conservation objective (as per IUCN definitions)
…including the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.
Guidelines for applying the IUCN Protected Areas Categories to MPAs
Suggestion 3: Specific categories
MPAs may have a variety of objectives and stringency in regulation, ranging from strictly protected marine reserves to areas where uses compatible with the MPA objectives are allowed.
The instrument could list specific categories or provide for recognition of categories developed by other bodies.
Madrid Protocol Annex V Art 3 (Antarctic Specially Protected Areas); Art 4 (Antarctic Specially Managed Areas)
Institutional and Organizational Aspects